Sakina's Sacrifice by Waseem Patel
Reveiwed by Zafar Nathie
A very well put book written by a concerned author, Waseem Patel. I beleive that he put his all in making his first of I hope many books. I think he could have only achieved putting this book together by the help of his interveiw with the apartheid activist. By reading this book parents and children can learn more about Apartheid.
In this story Sakina is the main character and is living a hard life due to the effects of the Apartheid rule. She is an intelligent girl who likes school but could only study till grade 8. she enjoyed the fact that in school she was with many race groups. By expereincing the effects of Apartheid it built up anger in her, which she expressed by protesting against the goverment. She was locked up due to this and after a period, the Apartheid rule fell and South Africa became a better place for all. the little she did helped this country alot.
The wording in this book fits the category of readers, which are children because it is an understandable book for the age group. It was a great book to read and brought up understanding of the Apartheid rule.
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